Previous section: Equality Comparisons

Dylan reference manual -- Magnitude Comparisons

Magnitude Comparisons

object1  <   object2   =>  boolean	[Generic Function]
The predefined methods on < behave as follows:
object1  >  object2   =>  boolean	[Function]
> compares the objects with < (with appropriate argument reordering). If object1 is greater than object2, > returns true. Otherwise, > returns false.

> is not a generic function, so you can't add methods to it. To extend the protocol, define methods on <.

object1 <=   object2   =>  boolean	[Function]
<= compares the objects with < (with appropriate argument reordering). If object1 is less than or equal to object2, <= returns true. Otherwise, <= returns false.

<= is not a generic function, so you can't add methods to it. To extend the protocol, define methods on <.

object1  >=   object2   =>  boolean	[Function]
>= compares the objects with <. If object1 is greater than or equal to object2, >= returns true. Otherwise, >= returns false.

>= is not a generic function, so you can't add methods to it. To extend the protocol, define methods on <.

Next section: Function Defining Forms