Operations on Ranges
range #key from to above below by size => range [Function]
Creates a range. from (default 0) is the first value in the range. by (default 1) is the step between consecutive elements of the range. to, above and below, constrain the range. to is an inclusive bound, above is an exclusive lower bound and below is an exclusive upper bound. above and below constrain the range independent of the sign of by. See <range>
member? val range #key test => boolean [G.F. Method]
If range is unbounded, this method is guaranteed to terminate if test is == (the default).
size range => size [G.F. Method]
For unbounded ranges, size always terminates and returns #f. For finite ranges, size returns an integer.
copy-sequence range #key start end => new-range [G.F. Method]
When applied to a range, copy-sequence returns another range, even though the class-for-copy of a range is the <list> class.
range1 =range2 => boolean [G.F. Method]
When called with two ranges, = always terminates, even if one or both ranges are unbounded in size.
reverse range => new-range [G.F. Method]
Reversing a range produces another range. An unbounded range cannot be reversed.
reverse! range => range [G.F. Method]
The result of reverse! on a range is == to the range argument. An unbounded range cannot be reversed.
intersection range1 range2 #key test => range [G.F. Method]
intersection applied to two ranges and a test of == (the default) will produce another range as its result, even though the class-for-copy of a range is not <range>. If either range1 or range2 is unbounded, this method is guaranteed to terminate only if the test is ==.Next section: Operations on Stretchy Vectors