I've had no problems with this over the weeks I've been using it, in fact it has saved me from canceling my American Express card because their commercial no longer tries to play in my browser when I go to pay the bill.
if (code == 36) {
value = 99;
} else if (code_in_cache(code)) {
value = code_from_cache(code);
} else if (...) {
// Notice how there is no nesting?
Virtually 100% of the writing on this site is mine, so they have their little demographic cross hairs right on my brain, and it works.
- Go to the Debian packages page for the Lenny package.
- Download the original source and debian diffs.
- Unpack the original sourcestar -zxvf dfu-programmer_0.4.3.orig.tar.gz
- Apply debian patches... zcat dfu-programmer_0.4.3-1.diff.gz | patch -p0
- Hop in cd dfu-programmer-0.4.3
- Build packages fakeroot ./debian/rules binary-arch
- Fail... fix x flags on rules chmod +x debian/rules
- Fail... install libusb-dev
- Success! I now have a dfu-programmer_0.4.3-1_i386.deb in the parent directory.
- I can't test it, my only Etch machines are remote servers, but it installs ok and I expect it works.
I probably should have modified the version number to mark it as an Etch build, but this works for private use.
At some point in the past I managed to screw up my file server's lenny install in such a way that I ended up with the non-lvm ext2 boot partition commented out of fstab and a separate /boot directory on the lvm root.
I forgot about this incident and went about continuing to run apt-get dist-upgrade periodically. Everything worked until I went to squeeze and rebooted, at which point I made some more poor choices ("Why am I not running the new kernel? I'll just apt-get remove the old one!") and ended up unable to mount ext2 partitions (while still able to boot from one).
After about eight hours of head scratching I found this page and by following your steps had no trouble upgrading to GRUB 2 which booted the new kernel which fixed all the problems, allowing me to get on with my life (such as it is).
You are awesome and so is GRUB 2.