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10 Macros


A macro is an extension to the core language that can be defined by the user, by the implementation, or as part of the Dylan language specification. Much of the grammatical structure of Dylan is built with macros. A macro defines the meaning of one construct in terms of another construct. The compiler substitutes the new construct for the original. The purpose of macros is to allow programmers to extend the Dylan language, for example by creating new control structures or new definitions. Unlike C, Dylan does not intend macros to be used to optimize code by inlining. Other parts of the language, such as sealing and define constant, address that need.

Throughout this chapter, italic font and small caps are used to indicate references to the formal grammar given in Appendix A, "BNF."

Compilation and Macro Processing

Compilation consists of six conceptual phases:

Parsing a stream of characters into tokens, according to the lexical grammar in Appendix A, "BNF."

Parsing a stream of tokens into a program, according to the phrase grammar in Appendix A, "BNF."

Macro expansion, which translates the program to a core language.

Definition processing, which recognizes special and built-in definitions and builds a compile-time model of the static structure of the program.

Optimization, which rewrites the program for improved performance.

Code generation, which translates the program to executable form.

Portions of a program can be macro calls. Macro expansion replaces a macro call with another construct, which can itself be a macro call or contain macro calls. This expansion process repeats until there are no macro calls remaining in the program, thus macros have no space or speed cost at run time. Of course, expanding macros affects the speed and space cost of compilation.

A macro definition describes both the syntax of a macro call and the process for creating a new construct to replace the macro call. Typically the new construct contains portions of the old one, which can be regarded as arguments to the macro. A macro definition consists of a sequence of rewrite rules. The left-hand side of each rule is a pattern that matches a macro call. The right-hand side is a template for the expansion of a matching call. Pattern variables appearing in the left-hand side act as names for macro arguments. Pattern variables appearing in the right-hand side substitute arguments into the expansion. Macro arguments can be constrained to match specified elements of the Dylan grammar. Auxiliary rule sets enhance the rewrite rule notation with named subrules.

Some implementations and a future version of the Dylan language specification might allow macro expansions to be produced by compile-time computation using the full Dylan language and an object-oriented representation for programs. Such a "procedural macro" facility is not part of Dylan at this time.

The input to, and output from, macro expansion is a fragment, which is a sequence of elementary fragments. An elementary fragment is one of the following:

Dylan Reference Manual - 17 OCT 1995
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