Dylan Reference Manual
[Symbols] ~ | := !, function name convention *, variable name convention ., slot reference syntax [1] [2] = == > >= \ ~ ~= ~== ^ "..." '...' #"..." #-word #f #t $, constant name convention & + - / /*...*/ // ?, predicate name convention <...>, class name convention <= < <abort> <array> <boolean> <byte-string> <character> <class> <collection> <complex> <condition> <deque> <double-float> <empty-list> <error> <explicit-key-collection> <extended-float> <float> <function> <generic-function> <integer> <list> <method> <mutable-collection> <mutable-explicit-key-collection> <mutable-sequence> <number> <object> <object-table> <pair> <range> <rational> <real> <restart> <sealed-object-error> <sequence> <serious-condition> <simple-error> <simple-object-vector> <simple-restart> <simple-vector> <simple-warning> <single-float> <singleton> <stretchy-collection> <stretchy-vector> <string> <symbol> <table> <type> <type-error> <unicode-string> <vector> <warning> [A] abort abs abstract class accept a variable number of arguments accept all keyword arguments accept keyword arguments accessible bindings add add! add-method add-new add-new! all-superclasses alphabetic character altering a collection always ambiguous methods any? applicable-method? apply aref aref-setter as as-lowercase as-lowercase! as-uppercase as-uppercase! ash [B] backward-iteration-protocol base type binary operator call binding body break built-in defining macro built-in statement macro [C] case ceiling ceiling/ cerror character literal check-type choose choose-by class precedence list closed over closure code body collection alignment collection keys comment complement compose concatenate concatenate-as concrete class condition condition handler establishing condition-format-arguments condition-format-string congruent parameter lists conjoin constant constituent copy-sequence curry [D] default-handler defaulted initialization arguments define class define constant define generic define inert domain define library define macro define method define module define variable definition delimited comment destructively modify dimension dimensions direct instance direct subclass direct superclass direct-subclasses direct-superclasses disjoin disjoint do do-handlers [E] element element reference element type element-setter elements empty? equivalence class equivalence predicate equivalent types error even? every? exit explicit definition explicit key collection explicitly known exported bindings expression [F] file header fill! find-key find-method first first-setter floor floor/ for format arguments format directives format strings forward-iteration-protocol free class freshly allocated collection function call function-arguments function-return-values function-specializers [G] gcd general subclass general superclass generic-function-mandatory-keywords generic-function-methods getter getter method graphic character [H] handler hash codes hash function hash id hash state head head-setter hygienic [I] identity if implicit definition imported bindings indirect subclass init expression init function init specification init value initialization argument initialization protocol initialize inside stack instance? instantiable class integral? interchange format intersection iteration protocol [K] key test key-sequence key-test keys of collections keyword keyword initializable keyword parameters [L] last last-setter lcm let let handler libraries limited list literal constant local local declaration local method bindings local precedence order Local precedence order constraint local value bindings logand logbit? logior lognot logxor [M] macro [1] [2] make mandatory keywords map map-as map-into max member? merge-hash-codes method method dispatch middle stack min module modulo monotonicity constraint more specific method multiple values [N] name name character named value reference natural order negative negative? next-method next-method parameter not, logical number numeric character [O] object-class object-hash odd? open class operand operator outside stack owned module binding [P] pair parameter list [1] [2] parenthesized expression permit keywords pop pop-last positive? precede in a class precedence list primary class program proper subtype pseudosubtype punctuation push push-last [R] range rank rcurry recognize keywords recovery recovery protocol reduce reduce1 remainder remove remove! remove-duplicates remove-duplicates! remove-key! remove-method replace-elements! replace-subsequence! require a fixed number of arguments required parameters required value declaration reserved word rest parameters rest value declaration restart-query restarting return type declarations return-allowed return-description return-query reverse reverse! round round/ row-major-index [S] sealed class sealing sealing directives second second-setter select sequence setter setter method shallow-copy signal signaler signaling unit single-line comment singleton singleton specializers size size-setter slot reference slot-initialized? slots sort sort! sorted-applicable-methods source record special definition specialize specialized stable under iteration statement statement macro string literal [1] [2] subsequence-position subtype? supplied initialization arguments symbol literal [T] table-protocol tail tail-setter third third-setter token top level truncate truncate/ type-error-expected-type type-error-value type-for-copy [U] unary operator call uninstantiable class union unique string unless unstable under iteration until user-defined defining macro user-defined statement macro using a module [V] value type values variable vector visibly modified [W] while whitespace [Z] zero?
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