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11 The Built-In Classes


<object> [Open Abstract Class]

The class of all Dylan objects.

None. <object> is the root of the Dylan class hierarchy.


The class <object> is the root of the type system. All objects are general instances of <object>, all types are subtypes of <object>, and all classes are subclasses of <object>.

The class <object> provides the following operations
Functions on <object> (continued)
Function DescriptionPage
identity Returns its argument.272
always Returns a function that always returns a particular object.336
instance? Tests whether an object is an instance of a type.329
object-class Returns the class of an object.330
== Compares two objects for identity.253
~== Compares two objects for nonidentity.254
object-hash The hash function for the equivalence predicate ==.329
Generic functions on <object> (continued)
Function DescriptionPage
initialize Performs instance initialization that cannot be specified declaratively by a class definition.245
as Coerces an object to a type.273
shallow-copy Returns a copy of its argument.277
type-for-copy Returns an appropriate type for creating mutable copies of its argument.277
size Returns the size of its argument.279
empty? Returns true if its argument is empty.279
Methods on <object> (continued)
Function DescriptionPage
initialize Performs instance initialization that cannot be specified declaratively by a class definition.245
type-for-copy Returns an appropriate type for creating mutable copies of its argument.277
= Compares two objects for equality.254

Dylan Reference Manual - 17 OCT 1995
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