Jim's Depository

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ifstat - A little like a vmstat for network interfaces. This is pretty handy for a quick look at network saturation without have to break out some massive GUIfied tool with a hideous interface.

asbestos:\~# ifstat -b -i eth0,eth1,eth2,eth3
       eth0                eth1                eth2                eth3      
 Kbps in  Kbps out   Kbps in  Kbps out   Kbps in  Kbps out   Kbps in  Kbps out
   13.44     19.06    914.15    953.60      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
    9.73     10.71    632.22    630.49    300.84    286.86      5.27      4.72
   21.01     23.73    211.98    226.27      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
    2.23      3.33    260.78    281.29    293.32    315.72      5.80      4.72
    3.47      6.03    180.47    227.07      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00

There is a debian package. And note that “-b” option to report in bits/second instead of bytes. What kind of person measures network use in bytes per second?

And in the same vein: iostat is hiding over in the systat package on debian. Use it too.